As a school, we are fully committed to developing each child’s unique potential within a secure and caring environment. We believe that our children should not only reach their best academically, but also develop a thirst for knowledge and a love of learning. The children of Woodfield School are happy learners who work hard to reach the challenges set by their teachers.
Woodfield’s Seven Whole School Values run as golden threads throughout our school approach. Self-esteem is our first school value. At Woodfield, we believe strongly in the importance of recognising the talents and successes of ourselves and others, and believing in our own abilities. Our curriculum is ambitious, and we expect our children to work hard, taking pride in both presentation and content. Through our varied curriculum, we teach our children to respect themselves, each other, adults and the world around them. Children learn about themselves and others, both in locality and around the world. Our growth mindset approach and belief in ourselves helps us to not give up and learn the lesson that resilience and perseverance breeds success. At Woodfield, we take responsibility for our own choices and actions. Our focus on empathy helps our children to develop appreciation, understanding, tolerance and admiration for other cultures, societies and beliefs and people who are both the same and different. Through working together both inside and outside of class, children learn to accept alternative opinions, and show kindness, care and consideration for each other. Finally, good manners permeate through every aspect of our school, and is a constant feature of our teaching, play and all interactions.
Excellent teaching and learning give children opportunities to be successful in a safe environment, where classrooms and other learning spaces promote creativity and high aspiration. Learning takes place in a variety of different formats. Children learn in flexible groupings and are taught to work collaboratively, supporting, challenging and building on each other’s strengths. Our extensive and well-resourced school grounds are used to promote healthy attitudes and a school-wide focus is placed on being healthy inside and out. Children participate in Forest School whilst at Woodfield Primary School, developing and building skills of self-esteem, challenge and problem-solving, and our established Wildlife Area is used to enhance all areas of the curriculum.
The curriculum consists of many planned experiences in school and out: lessons, councils, eco work, assemblies, clubs, sports, workshops, Forest School, fundraising, community work, STEM learning, focus days and a wide variety of educational visits which complement curricular learning. Outcomes are designed to meet the requirements of the National Curriculum and also to develop the skills and knowledge needed for learning and life. Links are made to our strong Northern heritage and School and British Values are consistently taught and reinforced throughout all areas of the curriculum and school life.
Our vibrant and rich curriculum is designed so that subject-specific knowledge and skills are scaffolded within an overall context. We carefully consider the talents and prior learning which our children bring, together with the knowledge and skills they will need to be future citizens in tomorrow’s world, and design our school offer accordingly. Individual subjects are planned for carefully, in a progressive structure, which is designed to equip our children to be successful learners and positive future members of society, as well as ensuring exciting and relevant activities throughout our school day. The principles of Growth Mindset underpin our curriculum and children are supported, encouraged and empowered to take both pride and responsibility for their learning in a nurturing and constructive environment. Our aim is to develop independent learners and thinkers who embrace challenge and strive for success.
Please see individual subjects for long term overviews. Further specific information regarding each class can be found on the class pages.
Details of the National Curriculum 2014 taught in schools can be accessed on the link below.
KS1 Phonics and Reading
Our reading resources are taken from a wide variety of published schemes, colour banded to aid progression in reading skills. Teaching in phonics follows the Little Wandle programme.
Recommended Book List (Year 1 - Year 6)
Please find a list of recommended books for children in Years 2-6 below.
Primary Assessment Guide
Please click here to view our Primary Assessment Guide.
Grammar Guide
Please click here to view our Grammar Guide for parents/carers.