Woodfield Primary School is fully committed to Safeguarding and Promoting the Welfare of all children.
Each child's welfare is of paramount importance. We have an extensive network of support in school and a variety of ways children can access the help that they may need.
If you have any concerns regarding Safeguarding, please do not hesitate to contact our designated leads either by telephone on 01942 243675 or by email at enquiries@admin.woodfield.wigan.sch.uk
Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mr S Isherwood (Assistant Headteacher)
Deputy Safeguarding Lead: Miss A Prior (Headteacher)
Deputy Safeguarding Lead: Mrs L Broad (Assistant Headteacher)
Designated Safeguarding Governor: Mr I Kendrick
Key Stage 1 Dismissal Procedures
For further information regarding Safeguarding at Woodfield Primary School, please see our policies below.
Administration of Medication
DBS Checks
Encompass Parent Awareness Letter
First Aid
Guidance for Safer Working Practices
Health and Safety
Keeping Children Safe in Education
Keeping Children Safe Inside
Medical Conditions
Mobile 'Phones and Camera
Safeguarding and Child Protection
Social Networking
Social Media
Whistle Blowing
NSPCC Net Aware
From Instagram and Snapchat to Minecraft and Tumblr, Net Aware is a simple no-nonsense guide for parents and teachers from the NSPCC and O2 to guide you through social media, apps and games that young people use.
You can sign up to the Online Safety newsletter to help you stay up to date with the latest trends, new sites and to receive safety advice at net-aware.org.uk.
Keeping safe online is a vital part of safeguarding the children of Woodfield Primary School.
Please find our E-Safety policy below.
Below are some useful information sheets.
Social Media and Cyber-advice Posters
Extremism and Radicalisation
It is vital that staff and parents are aware of the possible danger of extremism and radicalisation of children, predominantly but not solely through online activities. We are committed to supporting parents/carers and children to be aware of these dangers. Please find our Prevent policy below.
Relevant Training
Safeguarding Training - All Woodfield Primary School staff received Level 1 Safeguarding training. It is a requirement of all staff at Woodfield Primary School to have undertaken Level 1 Safeguarding Training.
Prevent Training - All Woodfield staff have participated in Prevent training.
Safer Recruitment Training - Mrs Brockbank (Chair of Governors), Miss Prior (Headteacher) and Mrs Barnes (School Business Manager) have completed Safer Recruitment Training.
Defibrillator Training - All Woodfield staff have completed Defibrillator training.
Epi-Pen Training - All Woodfield staff have completed Epi-Pen training
Fully qualified First Aiders - Mrs Ellison, Mrs Keating, Mrs Keeley and Miss Marshall
Fully qualified Paediatric First Aiders - Mrs Fairhurst, Mrs Brown and Ms Welsby.